Still water

Gala Mala Water 0.265l

Gala Mala water has an ideal ratio of calcium and magnesium, which is great for proper bone development in children. One of the basic characteristics of Gala Mala water is the presence of the mineral silicon dioxide, known in the world as the Beauty Mineral. This mineral participates in the formation of collagen and elastin proteins that give the skin elasticity, fullness and firmness, has a beneficial effect on the quality of skin, hair and nails, and one of its basic functions is to slow down aging and rejuvenate the whole body. With daily use, it stimulates the immune system and strengthens the internal relationship of minerals necessary for the regeneration and elasticity of the skin and body. Due to the effect it has on muscles, it is extremely good for developing children and athletes. 

The intake of silicon dioxide is also the fastest through water, although it is rarely found naturally in non-carbonated water in soluble form, which makes Gala Mala unique, but also completely natural. 

 In adults, Gala Mala affects the proper functioning of the heart, reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and replaces calcium that is lost with age, smoking and other unhealthy habits. Low sodium content is also one of the parameters of Gala Mala water quality. 

Gala Mala is one of the low-mineral waters, which is of special importance, because only low-mineral waters can be consumed by children, adults and even pregnant women in unlimited quantities. 

Mineral Composition

pH value 7.44 Dry residue at 180 ° C 322 mg/l
Hydrogen carbonates HCO3 402.0 mg/l Sodium Na+ 14.4 mg/l
Calcium Ca2+ 62.1 mg/l Sulphates SO42- 13.0 mg/l
Magnesium Mg2+ 34.0 mg/l Potassium K+ 2.0 mg/l
Silica SiO2 15.3 mg/l Nitrites NO2 < 0.005 mg/l
pH value 7.44
Dry residue at 180°C 322 mg/l
Hydrogen carbonates HCO3 402.0 mg/l
Calcium Ca2+ 62.1 mg/l
Magnesium Mg2+ 34.0 mg/l
Silica SiO2 15.3 mg/l
Sodium Na+ 14.4 mg/l
Sulphates SO42- 13.0 mg/l
Potassium K+ 2.0 mg/l
Nitrites NO2 < 0.005 mg/l
